Ashley + Daryl // Towers
October 17, 2018 / Pre-EngagementREAD MORE

SRuey + SLoo // Binoculars
October 10, 2018 / Pre-EngagementREAD MORE

Daphne + Janan // Trinity
August 29, 2018 / Pre-EngagementTrinity. "I will build my life upon Your love It is a firm foundation I will put my trust in You alone And I will not be shaken" What I enjoyed most with them was the part we sang along Build...
Rachel + Wai Wan // Adorn
August 26, 2018 / Pre-EngagementREAD MORE

Hanah + Nas // Nikah
March 23, 2018 / WeddingTwo kindred spirits. One tale. A moment of love A dream A laugh A kiss A cry Our rights Our wrongs A moment of love A dream A laugh A moment of love A dream A laugh  ...
Victoria + CK // Blithed
March 17, 2018 / Pre-Engagementlet us be damned let us be weird let us love the things which most do not -Matt Baker
Vicks + Ken // Moonrise
November 17, 2017 / Pre-EngagementI wasn't the artsy kid in school. Give me an art assignment and believe me, I'll produce not even a half-decent crap. I'll gladly say hell yeah to Maths and Chemistry problems though. So what I do now...
Mayumi + Warren // Matcha-Vanilla
September 20, 2017 / Pre-EngagementPre engagement session between two lovers from the Little Red Dot, and the Land of the Rising Sun. Will share their wedding session which was amazing soon!
MJ + CW // Technicolour Beat
September 1, 2017 / Pre-EngagementREAD MORE