August 29, 2018 / Pre-Engagement
Daphne + Janan // Trinity
“I will build my life upon Your love
It is a firm foundation
I will put my trust in You alone
And I will not be shaken”
What I enjoyed most with them was the part we sang along Build My Life and What a Beautiful Name together as the sun sets. The breeze and peaceful sound of the waters reminds me of His unabated love even in the midst of our storms. That evening was just perfect.
You first asked if I could represent God in your relationship through these pictures. I saw an image of an triangle nearer to the end of the session; how both of you at the bottom lifting up God proudly to the apex. There won’t be a single thing in this world that will shake or break you with Christ at the center. This stronghold that you built will send echoes across nations on how good God’s love is. Keep doing what you do!
Much love,