November 17, 2017 / Pre-Engagement
Vicks + Ken // Moonrise
I wasn’t the artsy kid in school. Give me an art assignment and believe me, I’ll produce not even a half-decent crap. I’ll gladly say hell yeah to Maths and Chemistry problems though. So what I do now and how I got here today remains a mystery. I still can’t draw nor paint for nuts if you’re asking.
It’s always nerve-wrecking yet fun when people gives me full range of freedom to my craft. What was envisioned couple of months back is finally materialized and I personally love this to bits. We had a good time exploring cool places, watched the sunset, got ourselves a kick-ass Thai meal in between. Cool as they might look in pictures, they are very loving and kind hearted people in actual fact.
You two are one of the most awesomest folks I know. Much love to yall. Meanwhile, let me take you on a journey back in time!